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Website Hosting

If you own a business, web hosting is a necesity; it's no longer an optional luxury. Our always-connected world demands that bussiness have an online page. In fact, even local brick-and-motor mon-and-pop shops myst be discoverable via the web. At the very least, a company needs a web page with a loction and business hours page.

Tofi services offers cloud web hosting solutions that provide large and small businesses, non-profits, and governmental organizations with low cost ways to deliver their websites and web applications. Whether you're looking for a marketing, rich media, or ecommerce website, we offer a wide range of website hosting options, and we'll help you select the one that is right for you. Customers can be anywhere in the world. With one of our datacenters your website can bein any geography you choose with just a few mouse clicks. Website traffic can fluctuate a lot. From quiet times in the middle of the night, to campaign driven, social media sharing traffic spikes, our infrastructure can grow and shrink to meet your needs. We only charges you for the resources you use, with no up-front costs or long-term contracts. We have web hosting options that offer pay-as-you-go pricing or fixed monthly pricing.

Simple Website Hosting

Simplle websites deliver HTML, JavaScript, images, video and other files to your website visitors and contain no server-side application code, like PHP or ASP.NET. They typically are used to deliver personal or marketing sites.
Static websites are very low cost, provide high-levels of reliability, require no server administration, and scale to handle enterprise-level traffic with no additional work.

These websites are best for:

Enterprise Web Hosting

Enterprise websites include very popular marketing and media sites, as well as social, travel, and other application-heavy websites. Enterprise websites need to dynamically scale resources and be highly available to support the most demanding and highly visited websites.
Enterprise websites often span multiple data centers. Enterprise websites provide high levels of availability, scalability, and performance, but require higher amounts of management and administration than static or simple websites.

These websites are best for:

Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing provides resizable computer capacity in the cloud. It is designed to make web-scale cloud computing easier for developers and allows maximum scalability and availability for websites and web applications. Cloud computing allowes you to pay only for capacity that you actually need and use.

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